Monday, August 31, 2009


The other Malcolm (McLaren) who was appearing at the Festival was on excellent form in his sole one-man show, for one afternoon only. I won't bore you with all the details, but I feel I must share one story I hadn't heard before, and which was almost worth the admission price alone.

The late newsreader Reginald Bosanquet, sometimes referred to as Reginald Beaujolais on account of his legendary thirst, developed something of a crush on Jordan, the original dominatrix-styled assistant at Sex, McLaren and Vivienne Westwood's Kings Road shop of the mid-70s. A regular visitor to Sex, Bosanquet felt the need to cover up his affections for Jordan by making frequent purchases, or so McLaren claimed in Edinburgh.

After one such purchase, a pair of rubber knickers, Bosanquet accosted McLaren in the shop and said "Watch me tonight, I'll be wearing these."

Perplexed, McLaren asked Bosanquet to elaborate.

"Tonight, on the telly! When I'm reading the news, I'll be wearing these under my suit!"

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