Apologies to those who are keeping the faith, either by checking back here intermittently, or by subscribing (click on the orange feed icon on the left). My blogging may be a little sporadic over the next two months as I'm trying to finish a dissertation. However, I'll try and post a couple of times a month, and if anybody's still reading in July, well, lucky old me.
Out of necessity, this'll be a quick post, but the tune's a goody, and sure to imbue those of a certain age with a sense of nostalgia. Remember that Sesame Street pinball cartoon, with the numbers being counted off ("1,2,3,4,5,6/7,8,9,10/11, twe-e-e-e-e-e-elve...")? Turns out it was Ruth, Anita, Bonnie and June,
aka The Pointer Sisters, pre-"Jump", "Automatic", "I'm So Excited" etc. A couple of years ago it was dusted off and cut together by the venerable DJ Food, given a very limited release on Ninja Tune, and today it's on my blog. Enjoy!
Pinball Number Count by DJ Food/The Pointer Sisters (MP3)
(deleted May 2008)