Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Elements of Style (geddit?)

Post soon come...


Anonymous said...

Is you doing a Raymond Queneau jokes?

Irk The Purists said...

Ha ha! No, though I love "99 Ways to Tell a Story" (is that the title? I can't remember). But you're on the right lines: I am making Strunk & White puns. The blog post that eventually appears will be about the great Neon Neon and their album of 2008, Stainless Style. Elements? Style? OK, well it works for me.

BTW, how great to get comments on just the titles of posts. Maybe this is the way to go in the future. It's certainly a lot easier than writing the damn posts, which seems to take me forever.

Anonymous said...

It could be the future of blogging.
Stick in a few Paul Éluard titles and watch the comments explode like an unopened tin of beans in a microwave.
There's some Éluard on Spotify by the way (Folkways label)- can't understand a bleeding word of it Guv!